Wednesday 29 August 2012

Next Greater Element

Given an array, print the Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element. The Next greater Element for an element x is the first greater element on the right side of x in array. Elements for which no greater element exist, consider next greater element as -1.

Amazing solution in the link below, based on a stack for O(n) time. I just loved it :P


Tuesday 28 August 2012

How to find the longest palindrome in a string in linear time


Probably finding the LCS (longest common sub-sequence) between the string and its reverse.

anand tech blog ??

Microsoft Interview- Two elements of BST are swapped by mistake. You have to restore the tree without changing its structure.

Two elements of BST are swapped by mistake. You have to restore the tree without changing its structure.


// incomplete solution

Node fixSwappedBST ( Node r, int min, int max, Node toFix){

// r - root node, r.val >= min && r.val <= max  and toFix is the node which needs to be fixed and was at a wrong   place in the left subtree of the common ancestor (of the swapped nodes)

 if(r==null) return null;
 if(r.val<min || r.val > max){ // wrong node, so fix it
   if(toFix != null) { // swap the nodes  
    int tmp = toFix.val; toFix.val=r.val; r.val=tmp;
   else{ toFix = r; }
   fixSwappedBST(r.left, min..
  fixSwappedBST(r.left,  min, r.val,toFix);
  fixSwappedBST(r.right,r.val, max,toFix);

Another approach:

Do a Pre-order traversal of the BST. It would be wrong at two places, identify those two positions in the Pre-order traversal. Identify the first element of the pair where it is out of order and the last element of the pair where it is again out of order.

In the next traversal, swap these two nodes. Would this work ??

Given a linked list containing 0s,1s or 2s. Sort it.

Given a linked list containing 0s,1s or 2s. Sort it.

Maintain three different linked lists each having its own start pointer (LL0, LL1, LL2)  and keep adding the elements to the respective lists.
After the traversal you have three linkedlists (LL0, LL1 and LL2), now just join LL1 to the end of LL0 and LL2 to the end of LL1.

Another approach:
Keep three counters (c0,c1 and c2) and in the end reset the linked list elements as per the counters.

Friday 24 August 2012

Recursive function to check a string for palindrome

boolean isPalindrome(String s){

  if(s.length()<=1) return true;

  if(s.charAt(0) == s.charAt(s.length()-1)) return isPalindrome(s.substring(1,s.length()-2));
  else return false;


Thursday 23 August 2012

Handling concurrency in a Web application

To handle concurrency in a web site a common practice it to have a column on each record that allows you to check it has not been updated since you got it. Either last update date or a sequential version number (auto incremented by a trigger).
Typically you will read the data (plus the concurrency column)
SELECT seat,etc,version_no
WHERE column = a_value
Then when the user eventually gets round to booking the seat the update will work unless there has been an update.
(the version number or update date will change after every update)
    UPDATE t1
    SET seatTaken = true
    WHERE seatid = .....
    AND version_no = p_version
    RETURNING version_no INTO p_version;
    --Generate a custom exception 
    --concurrency viloation the record has been updated alreadyEND;
the trigger to auto update the version number would look a little like this
    IF :new.version_no IS NULL THEN
       :new.version_no  := 0;
       :new.version_no  := :old.version_no  + 1;
    END IF;

Saturday 18 August 2012

How to design a good API

From  a talk by Joshua Bloch:

  • API design is very similar to Language and language feature design.
  • Easy to evolve, hard to misuse
  • Gather requirements with healthy degree of skepticism. Define use cases from the requirements. Often it is easier and more rewarding to solve a more general form of problem than solving a specific problem so keep your mind open.
  • Keep the initial spec of the API short/1 page. And discuss with as many people and then flesh it out as confidence builds.
  • Write to the API (means write clients using API interface) as you design the API, this is very important as it allows you to explore the use cases API is being designed to solve.
  • API should do ONE thing good.

Sunday 12 August 2012

State Design Pattern

Read the chapter on State design patterns from Head First Design Patterns book.

They explain the GumBallMachine, which can be in different states and needs to perform each action in a different way depending on the current state.

To start with they declare the action() methods in the GumBallMachine class only and in each action method they use if-else ladder to check the current state and take action based on the current state. And show how this type of state machine coding makes the action methods cluttered.

And in the next approach they make a State interface which has list of common action methods. And then there are concrete state classes for each state, which implement this interface and perform the actions() depending on the current state(i.e. the class for the state). This allows you to store the current_state object in the GumBallMachine class and call the state.action() methods inside this class. Depending on the current state the apt methods are called for each action(). This decouples each state from other states and makes adding new states easier.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Find the longest increasing subsequence

Its a DP problem:

Let L[j] be the length of the longest increasing sub sequence including jth array element.
=> L[i] = MAX(L[j]+1) for all (j<i)&&(a[j]<=a[i]).

O(n^2) solution.

Friday 3 August 2012

Maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s

Maximum Product Subarray

Given an array that contains both positive and negative integers, find the product of the maximum product subarray. Expected Time complexity is O(n) and only O(1) extra space can be used.

I. The solution that came to my mind first is to "Use a way similar to Kadane's algorithm for finding the maximum sum of a sub array.", but in this case the when (prd<0) we can't just discard it like we do it fro sum, bcoz a future -ve number might make this the highest product :P.
We would have to keep an integer storing the last_neg_num_prod to store the last -ve product upto a point and then set (prd=1).

public static void main(String[] args) {
int a[] = {-2, -3, 0, -2, -40};
int max= Integer.MIN_VALUE, last_neg_prod=0, prd= 1;
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){
prd = prd * a[i];
if(last_neg_prod<0){ // we have an old -ve product, we can combine these to get a higher +ve product then
prd = prd*last_neg_prod;
last_neg_prod = 0;
break out;
last_neg_prod = prd;
prd = 1;
else if(prd ==0){
last_neg_prod = 0;
max = prd;

System.out.println("max prd is:"+max);



KMP String searching algorithm

KMP is an algorithm to find the occurrence of string 'W' in another string 'S'.

1. Creates a partial match table T. T[i] stores the length of the longest proper suffix of W[0..(i-1)] which is a proper prefix of W.

How T is used in the main KMP algorithm:
At any given time, the algorithm is in a state determined by two integers, m and i, which denote respectively the position within S which is the beginning of a prospective match for W, and the index in W denoting the character currently under consideration.

T indicates where we need to look for the start of a new match in the event that the current one ends in a mismatch. The entries of T are constructed so that if we have a match starting at S[m] that fails when comparing S[m + i] to W[i], then the next possible match will start at index m + i - T[i] in S (that is, T[i] is the amount of "backtracking" we need to do after a mismatch).

Generate the list of ugly numbers