Thursday 10 May 2012

Awk - with loops and regex

Awk built-in variables:

FNR         The input record number in the current input file.
NF          The number of fields in the current input record.
NR          The total number of input records seen so far.

// an awk command to match the regex "UST" in the line
cat matrace_20120430234915.dat | awk -F'[,]' '{print FNR; i=1;for(i=1;i<(NF);i++) { print i,$i, /UST/;} }'

// an awk command which finds the column matching the regular expression of date in format "yyyy-mm-dd" and splits the date and adds 1 to the date and then prints the same.
awk -F'[,]' '{print FNR; i=1;for(i=1;i<(NF);i++) { print i,$i; if(match($i,/(....)\-(..)\-(..)/)) { split($i,a,"-"); printf("%d-%d-%d",a[1],a[2],(a[3]+1));};} }'

// awk using sprintf
awk -F'[,]' '{x=sprintf("%s",$1); i=1; for(i=2;i<(NF);i++) {  if(match($i,/(....)\-(..)\-(..)/)) { split($i,a,"-"); x=sprintf("%s,%s-%s-%d",x,a[1],a[2],(a[3]+1));} else { x=sprintf("%s,%s",x,$i); } } x=sprintf("%s,%s",x,$(NF)); print x;}'

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