Wednesday 6 March 2013

Using memcache with Java

Memcache Overview

- A distributed cache
- Store the key/value pairs in the cache. The value needs to be serializable since the cache is distributed.
- You can use this to cache Database objects as well as the generated HTML page markups from the servlets.
- The nodes of the cache cluster, don't know about each other and don't interact with each other
- The client however, knows about all the nodes in the memcache cluster
- The client hashes the string key and maps the hash value to one of the servers. The get() or set() requests for that key goes to the selected node of the server.
- The client sends the set() request asynchronously to the server using a daemon thread. -- ???
- This is good for web applications which need to scale massively.
- You can use the TELNET mode to connect and issue commands to the memcache cluster for debugging purpose.
- The spymemcached client lib for Java easily integrates with the hibernate.

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